Corporate & Community Partners
The generosity of community and business partners helps Voices for Children achieve the vision of serving 100% of the children involved in the foster care system in the Brazos Valley. Your business or organization can become a VFC community partner through an annual gift of outright support or by sponsoring one or more of VFC’s signature fundraising events. CASA volunteers are community members who work collaboratively with other stakeholders to support these children and their families. CASA volunteers are a consistent presence in the child(ren)'s life throughout the case, advocating for their best interest. Your support is critical to recruiting and training community volunteers for this role.
Becoming a Voices for Children community partner provides excellent marketing exposure for your brand, engagement for your employees, and recognition among VFC’s community of major donors. VFC looks forward to creating a customized sponsorship package that fulfills your company’s community outreach goals.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Corporate Sponsor - Corporate sponsorship provides opportunities for your organization to be strategically in front of Voices for Children network supporters. Corporate sponsorship levels begin at $10,000 annually. This sponsorship level will include a $5000 level sponsorship at 2 major fundraising events, acknowledgment on the Voices for Children website, inclusion in the VFC newsletter, and other appropriate branding opportunities.
Program & Event Sponsorships - Voices for Children participates in frequent community awareness events throughout the year. VFC has several opportunities available for sponsorship of these events.
Matching Donor Sponsorships - Voices for Children participates in multiple donation drive opportunities throughout the year, including Fund the Need (March Gala event) and Brazos Valley Gives (October). To amplify the success of these campaigns, matching donors are needed. Matching donor amounts are customizable for corporate, small group, or individual sponsorship levels. Recognition is provided via website and social media for these events.
In-Kind Sponsorships - Voices for Children welcomes and appreciates in-kind support. Please connect with us to discuss ideas for in-kind sponsorships. Appropriate recognition is provided depending on the event/activity format, including verbal recognition, sponsor signage, sponsor recognition nametags, social media, digital marketing, etc.
Other ways to support Voices for Children:
Invite Voices for Children to provide a presentation to your organization
Host a third-party event fundraiser at your office or favorite venue
Highlight CASA in your newsletter or through your social media channels
Sponsor 10 or more children during the Shop 4 CASA back to School clothing drive, the Holiday Toy Drive or host a gift card drive
Share CASA’s campaigns via social media: and Instagram @vfcbrazos